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User Roles : Pay Rates

Vikash Sharma
Updated 1 year ago
User Roles: Pay Rates Here I go over how to deny access to pay rates from your staff. Joshua Diaz

How to Deny Access to Pay Rates:

If you want to give access to anyone in your organization, but don't want them to see sensitive information such as pay rates, follow these steps:

  1. The first thing you will want to do is sign into your account and find the Admin button on the left side of your screen. 

2. From here, you will want to create a role. Click on the User Role in the top right of your screen and then select "Plan" to expand your options under Plan. 

3. Once you expand the "Plan" option. You will see there is a "Staff" role. Here is where you will click to grant or deny access to pay rates. 

4. From here, click on "Staff". When you select "Staff", you will have the options "View", "Edit", and "Pay Rate". 

5. To deny access to pay rates, simply uncheck the box that says Pay Rates and click Update at the bottom of the screen. 

6. From here, you will need to assign a user this Role you have just created. Select "User Management" on the left side of your screen. 

7. From here, select the User you would like to assign the role to. From there, you will see a "Select a role" option on the right side of your screen. Select a role and select Update to save. 

Once updated, the user will have access to the entire platform with the exception of Pay Rates. In the screenshot below. We see that the user can still make edits to staff, however, there are no Pay Rates to view. 

Try it out for yourself by signing into your account!

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