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How To Assign Tasks To Staff

Vikash Sharma
Updated 1 year ago

In this article, you will learn how to assign tasks to your staff (workers) through Schedule Assistant.

Assign A Task To Your Staff

Date: May 25, 2022
Author: Ron Wilson
Source: Tango

1. Click on Schedule Assistant

Navigate to Execute->Schedule Assistant

Click on Schedule Assistant

2. Schedule Assistant Overview

This is Schedule Assistant.  On the left, you have all your plan areas and tasks dashboard that shows you what tasks are due

Schedule Assistant Overview

3. Assignments Overview

On the right-hand side of Schedule Assitant, you see all your staff and their assignments for the day.

Assignments overview

4. Click On Due Today

We have 1 task currently due to be completed today on our Greens.  Click on the green box.

Click On Due Today

5. Tasks Filter for Greens

Now you can only see the tasks that are Due Today for your greens. Let's go ahead and assign the Test Clean task to a couple of workers.

Tasks Filter for Greens

6. Click on the Assign task icon

The right and left arrow in the Action column will let you assign this task to one or more of your staff members.

Click on the Assign task icon

7. This is the task Assignment screen

This screen allows you to set up your task assignment.

This is the task Assignment screen

8. Let's Assign a Staff Member

In the Workers tab, click on the dropdown and select a staff member to assign this task to. Don't worry we can assign more than one.

Let's Assign a Staff Member

9. Here we will select Jamie Leonard

Here we will select Jamie Leonard

10. Assign a second Staff member

Let's go ahead and assign a second staff member.  Click in the drop-down again.

Assign a second Staff member

11. Let's select Tyree Curtis

Let's select Tyree Curtis

12. Staff Notes

Now that your staff assignments have been made you can enter individual notes for your staff members.

Staff Notes

13. Assign Equipment

You can also assign which piece of equipment you would like for them to use on the task.  Click in the dropdown to see a list of all your equipment.

Assign Equipment

14. Select a piece of equipment

Here we will assign Tyree Rough Mower #3

Select a piece of equipment

15. Change Estimated Hours

It is easy to change the estimated hours for a task.  Simply change the number in the Estimated Hours box and Schedule Assistant will evenly spread the hours out across your assigned staffers.

Change Estimated Hours

16. Modify individual hours

If you need you can change the individual hours for each worker as well.  Don't worry, Schedule Assistant will make sure the overall Estimated Hours for the tasks are accurate.

Modify individual hours

17. Now we have our workers assigned

Now we have our workers assigned

18. Click on Save

Click on the save button to finish the assignment.

Click on Save

19. Staff Assignments Updated

Now you will see both Jamie and Tyree have 1.5 hours assigned to them for the day in the Assignments section.

Staff Assignments Updated

20. Expand To See Tasks

To see what Jamie has been assigned for the day simply click the > beside his name and you will see the tasks assigned.

Expand To See Tasks

21. Here is Jamie's Assignments for the day

Here is Jamie's Assignments for the day

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